The comprehensive online analytics data inside your Web Control Panel can help you keep track of virtually all activities on your sites. You’ll get live information regarding the load produced in your hosting account as well as the website traffic they get on a per–hour, per–week and per–month base. You’ll also find detailed information in relation to our platform as a whole like the actual IP address, the OS, the variations of PHP and MySQL and many more. Everything is categorized in sections for you to find it.

Server Info

Detailed information relating to your server

In the Server Information part of the Web Control Panel, you will discover detailed information regarding the hosting server your Linux shared web hosting packages account is situated on. You can check out the Operating System, the actual IP address and the current Perl/MySQL variations, locate details relating to the running Perl modules and the inbound and outgoing email servers, observe the server load, etcetera.

You’ll also find detailed information around the PHP variation without having to set up phpinfo files, etc.

Hepsia File Manager

Access & Error Stats

Receive information regarding your web sites’ performance

Using the information generated in the Access and Error Listing part of your Web Control Panel, you’re able to find any eventual issues with the efficiency of your websites. The access reports will show you all types of files including texts, pics and movies that have been looked over by your customers while the error stats will record virtually any warnings and faults that have taken place throughout their stay on your site.

It is easy to open the access and error listing data for each of your operational web sites from the Statistics Manager area of your Web Control Panel.

Hepsia File Manager

Traffic Statistics

Monitor your website customers in real time

Tracking the website data of your web site is the right way to figure out how your marketing strategy works out. From your Web Control Panel integrated web stats tools – Webalizer and Awstats, you can view the quantities of visitors that come to your site, as well as the quantity of views they produce and webpages they open up on a day–to–day, weekly and monthly basis.

To examine the stats information, proceed to the Website Stats area of the Web Control Panel and load the statistics file for a particular domain. You don’t have to configure absolutely anything on your side. We activate the stats as soon as your website comes online and begins generating visitors.

Hepsia File Manager

CPU Stats

Keep tabs on your sites’ operational load

The web server’s CPU is essential for the connection between your web site and its website visitors. The more complex and resource–demanding your web sites are, the more hosting server resources and server operation time will be needed for them to run.

From the CPU statistics part of the Web Control Panel, it will be possible to watch the use of CPU resources generated by all of your sites. This can help you take prompt procedures and improve your websites in case the CPU utilization limit is exceeded. You will view in–depth CPU reports for every day and month as well as for a full calendar year.

Hepsia File Manager