The simplest way to grant a third-party access to the files in a specific folder is to set up an FTP account and to put website content access limits in regards to your hosting space. If you use the services of a web developer, for instance, they won’t be provided with access to any other content or any private data within your hosting account. You can also set up separate FTP accounts to run different websites created with a desktop web design app such as FrontPage or Dreamweaver – each Internet site can be published on the Internet and later edited using an FTP account with access to its own domain folder on the server. All these things will be possible provided that you are able to create and administer your FTP accounts without hassles.

FTP Manager in Shared Web Hosting

All our shared web hosting packages come with a multifunctional, albeit easy-to-use FTP Manager tool, which will permit you to manage all the FTP accounts that you’ve got without any effort. The tool is part of our next-generation Hepsia hosting Control Panel and besides creating and removing FTP accounts, you’ll be able to edit the password associated with any existing account with just two clicks. You can change the level of access for any given FTP account just as easily – you’ll only have to click on the access path for the account in question and then to choose the new directory. In addition, you can download an auto-config file for different FTP applications and set up any of the FTP accounts on your PC by simply running the given file. For easier and more efficient management, you can arrange the FTP accounts alphabetically based on their access paths or their usernames.